Sunday, 27 November 2011


Before going on to the core of the topic we must first of all understand what do we mean by network marketing?
Network Marketing in common parlance is a method of marketing that utilizes independent representatives to reach potential customers that a company otherwise would not reach with traditional online or offline marketing methods. In easy words we can say that network marketing is to make social networks and then make your product or service marketable either physically or through networking sites. It is about  one’s ability and skill to determine individuals within his/her circle of influence who would be interested in the products or services that company has in its kitty to offer.
Gone are those days when social networking was only possible by meeting people. In the fast technologically savvy world the marketing of the different products and  services is usually discussed or displayed on the social networking sites such as FACEBOOK, TWITTER, IBIBO, MY SPACE etc.  The most commonly used site for social networking is FACEBOOK which has kept the world connected in simpler and trouble-free manner. Thanks to Mark Zukerberg for  connecting the world like a village. Although there are couple of other sites but FACEBOOK clearly stands out.
Now coming to Network Marketing, these days if one visits  any networking sites such as FACEBOOK OR TWITTER then  we come across the status update put by people such as “hi yesterday I purchased _____ jeans. Its price is also at a very reasonable, its fitting is also upto the mark and its price is half in comparison to ________ brand.”
 There are also instances where people update their status viz “Previous evening I and my girlfriend had a coffee at ________shop. All my viewers must go there. Believe me that the quality and services of that shop/restaurant is even better in comparison to five star hotels and if price is even less than one third of the price of five star hotel.”
As per the market analysis in our country at least 750000  people chat on facebook and their discussion revolves around the talks that “what did you eat yesterday, what purchases you made latest, what did you do yesterday, the product you purchased yesterday was good or bad”? CEO of LEVIS Mr John Anderson says that“there are around 150000 people associated with my LEVIS brand and they are fans and followers of this brand. In every 15 days they always tell their friends about this brand.”
The era, where  marketers used television to prepare their advertisements and after surveying the pattern of people watching tv , the advertisementwas displayed accordingly in different slots, seems to be a byzantine one. Now a days as social networking sites have taken the onus of  where they unveil new products and publicise their features. . The importance of advertising on television has reduced to a great extent.
In reality LEVIS brand has developed an online system where you can go to digital fitting room and select the appropriate thing and after pressing the buy button you can purchase it. This product will also be delivered to your home. Besides advertisements, manufacturers must also focus on these areas where how website users can the product as a point of discussion among themselves which will increase the network marketing to a great extent.

Friday, 11 November 2011


This is not a nwe thing Brands are not only looked at the prespective of making profits but also they are sentimental towards the lifestyle of consumers. Although Lifestyle is such a kind of word which has always been in focus by marketeers but now a days a new engrossing with new style is taking its origin.

Lets take Recycling industry only. Recycling is not crime whenever due to it the main product is getting improved. For example if any person writes something on notepad and gives it to some other person, and when this notepad only is made up of recycled paper then its rate increases. You all must have noticed that all luminaries use notepads even if they write one or two sentences and then they give their signature. The person who takes it preserves it with hismself for whole life. This way that persons lifestyle is noticed who has done signature on it. Although it is costly but celebrities still like to follow this style only.

Now lets take an example of Wrist Watch industry. Any watch starting from local brand to Rolex works on same mechanism of showing time. It is for sure that dear watches dont show 1 minute faster not they are the TIME MACHINES. It is generally being seen that the person who wear this expensive watches is always afraid and wears it less number of times and is also afraid that the watch must not get stolen at any time but when he wears it his lifestyle gets reflected.

These are the examples which show us that how a person is keen to use brands in order to enhance his lifestyle.

Learning: If you want to increase your sales then always keep an eye on the lifestyle of the consumers which will fetch you a better sales. It is mandatory to keep yourself update in your regular life.

Saturday, 5 November 2011


In today's time we usually see that people are profligated towards wrist watch or jewelry products and are also inclined to pay the respected amount in installments. People wear rich watches which shows that time only which even a general watch shows, despite we are willing to pay the installments of six or twelve long months. If we look at the general point of view then we wear these branded or so called rich or plush watches for either impressing someone or we satisfy our ego.

Here one short incidence is presented which is prevelent also on the internet from past few months. This incidence will show us that how much we should be sagacious for the money which we possess with us.

This story is about a child who reaches to the barber's shop and barber then whispers in the ears of customer that "I have not seen a vacuous child than him. I am making him fool by making a same experiment with him but still he didn't learn anything from it. Look I will prove it right now".

The barber placed a 5 rupee coin in one hand and two coins of 1-1 ruppee in other hand and asked the child to select one hand. The child promptly selected that hand in which there were two coins of 1 rupee and then after taking it the child goes. Then the barber tells to the customer that how inane the child is who is everytime selecting 2 coins of 1 rupee each instead of 5 rupee coin. When the customer goes out then his attension gets driven by the child when he see him eating ice cream of 1 rupee from a ice cream vendor. He then promptly goes to him and asks that "why everytime you select two coins of 1 rupee  each and not 5 rupee coin"

The child then replies that "if I select 5 rupee coin then the game will be over and this way he will also not be able to prove that I am a foolish and this way I will also loose my 2 rupees sometimes I also get chances of earning those 2 coins of 1 rupees even 3-4 times a day coz I roam nearby to his shop".

This incidence shows us that how we have to be selective and perspicacious in terms of our money.